Amanda Millerberg
Millerberg Family Giving Fund
Amanda Millerberg has a love for donuts, British TV and helping others. After living in five states plus London, she, her husband and their five children have settled back in Salt Lake City and work together under their family mantra, “go about doing good”. She is a philanthropist focused on the three areas of self-reliance, social impact innovation, and strengthening families through supporting women and children.
Amanda is the director of philanthropy for the Millerberg Family Giving Fund. She chairs the “Show-Up” service initiative for Utah’s First Lady, a group focused on illuminating and increasing service throughout Utah. She is an active member of Maverick Collective by PSI which seeks to advance health and reproductive education throughout the world. She serves on a variety of boards and councils in Utah. Amanda is an active volunteer in her local community and works hard to invite and share serving opportunities with her family and neighbors. She prioritizes learning about the local needs of her community by serving and visiting nonprofits regularly and building strong relationships.
Amanda holds a master’s degree in sociology from Arizona State University and a bachelor’s degree in human development and family sciences from Brigham Young University. She was a child development specialist for Mountainland Head Start before taking time out to play, cook, read, hike, and travel with her five children. Her goal is to help her children understand how they can affect the world and not just how the world affects them.